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Intranet vs digital workplace

Combining an intranet with a well-structured, adaptive digital workplace can simplify work processes and enable your teams to maintain focus and reach peak performance levels.

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Workspace 365

What you’ll find inside:

An intranet acts as a centralised informationsharing platform where teams can connect, collaborate, and innovate. But finding the right fit for an organisation isn’t always a straightforward process. If your intranet isn’t fully integrated into your overall digital workplace, employees will have difficulties locating the resources, information, and tools they need.

In this whitepaper we'll explain:

  • What an intranet is and why organisations use it.
  • What a digital workplace is, and why organisations use it.
  • Why you should combine your intranet with your digital workplace.
  • How Workspace 365 can harness your digital tools.
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