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Customised services

Workspace 365 modules

We understand that every organisation is unique, and we believe that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Our services are customised to specifically address the unique needs of your organisation and your employees.

Our modules

Our core beliefs and essential features

Our three modules work alongside ever-present core features. We know the importance of these basics and the benefits they bring. These features are always there, whether you're starting new or using different modules.

Each one of our modules has a different focus and different benefits. At first, it may not be clear which modules best suit your needs. But within the Admin environment, it’s easy to toggle modules on or off so that you can determine the best fit.


Hybrid module

The Hybrid module focuses on IT and connects legacy systems with the cloud, making hybrid work without IT frustration the new normal. With this module, you increase user productivity, regardless of time or location. With a range of tools such as Citrix, Clientless RDP, Azure Virtual Desktop, Fileserver, VMware, and Liquit, this module offers flexibility and efficiency without compromising security.

simplified access

Engage module

The Engage module promotes engagement and ensures that employees stay connected, no matter where they are or what they are doing. Providing information flows, centrally, both from the organisation to employees and vice versa, and among employees, contributes to a high level of engagement. This wide range of possibilities strengthens the bond between employees and promotes effective information sharing and collaboration.

Simplified communication

Unify module

With the Unify module, you bring together all information sources, business data, micro-apps, and integrations (e.g., AFAS Online, Zenya DOC, Vilans Kick, ConnectWise, Autotask, Zaaksysteem, Zermelo, TOPdesk, Nedap Ons, Magister, and OpenIMS®) in one interface. This simplifies information flows, increases employee efficiency, and provides easy access to relevant information.

simplified workflows

Mix and match


Modules and features

The modules are easily customisable to meet the needs of organisations. Whether organisations are growing or shrinking, our modules can be mixed and matched, fitting every phase of the digital transformation. Each module has a different purpose and various benefits. This way, everyone can always make the best choice.






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