Global Search
With our Global Search, you'll never have to waste precious time searching for information again. You don’t have to navigate between different applications or folders, but you can easily find the information you need.

Information is one click away
Search through your entire digital workplace, including applications, files, announcements, folders, knowledge items, and more! Whether you're looking for a specific file or important communication, this feature allows you to find it all in just one click.

Find information quickly
Your data could be in Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, the fileserver, or your Document Management System. It doesn’t matter, with the Global Search you can find it all.

Advanced Search
The advanced search feature will empower you to dig deeper into your content and gain valuable insights.

Work smarter, not harder
We learn from your search behaviour and automatically provide you with the right content, regardless of the source.

Find what you need without endless searching through documents or information.

With quick access to all necessary information, you can work more efficiently.

Keep all your files and communication organised through one powerful search function.

We are continuously improving our product
We're always on the lookout for ways to make our platform even better, and we truly value your feedback and input. Is there a feature you think is missing from our product? We'd love to hear about it so we can add it to our roadmap and keep working towards creating the ultimate digital workplace just for you. So don't hesitate, let us know what's on your mind!

Unlock your digital work focus today!
Help your employees harness their full potential with our adaptive digital workplace.